Holiday Prep Bundle


Holiday Prep Bundle


One Download with 3 documents that will help you get ready and stay prepared all holiday season long!!!

What’s included:

Holiday Season Cleaning checklist. Did you know that a thorough deep clean can help the holiday season run super smooth. You’ve had a year of clutter piling up. Don’t let it get in the way during the busiest time of year when you have the least amount of time to maintain it.

Before the Rush Checklist! Before a busier than usual sales day, there are special things you need to do and set up that you probably don’t need any other time of year. This checklist makes sure your store is completely prepared in advance to meet the challenges of those busy sales days!

Loss Prevention. This checklist covers loss prevention training to ensure that everyone on your staff knows how to prevent theft, and what to keep an eye out for when they’re working so they don’t get taken advantage of.

Store Audit. I personally use this audit with stores to keep everyone on the team aware of what is being done well and what is being overlooked. I encourage store managers/owners to run a store audit once a month to keep everything running smoothly. During this busy season it is more important than ever to keep the store in tip top shape, and it’s harder than usual because every day is so busy. This audit helps you identify those areas that need work quickly and it will help you communicate with the team efficiently to get things back in working order right away.

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